Our services » Mechanical deburring and tumbling

Mechanical deburring

AQUAdem provides mechanical deburring and unifying the surface of burnt parts by grinding with abrasive belts and rotary discs scotbrite on machine LISSMAC.

Benefits of using mechanical grinding technology 

  • Easy and fast deburring after burning 
  • Shrinking the outer and inner edges
  • Unifying the surface removing scratches 
  • Unifying the surface before painting or galvanizing 

Mechanical tumbling

AQUAdem provides deburring and unifying the surface of small burnt parts by RÖSLER, tumbling and drying machine. Tumbling is especially suitable for a large number of small parts. The volume per a cartridge of the parts tumbled is 30 litres.

Tumbling Technology Benefits


  • Easy and fast deburring after burning
  • The surface of parts in tumbling is unified
  • Descaling